Trapping with Passive Opposition
Focus of the Drill
This soccer trapping drill focuses on trapping and control. It also highlights on an addition of a passive defender. The importance of defender is well established in this game as it causes the receiving player to be more aware of their surroundings.
For setting up, first players are divided into groups of three. This group consists of one server, one receiver working on control and trapping, and one player as a passive defender. Server is at a distance of around 10 yards from the receiver and defender. After this, the game is ready to begin.
How to Play
When the game begins, the server will plays ball into the receiving player. The passive defender has to stand close enough to touch the receiving player. He then starts trying to distract the receiving player. The passive defender must not attempt to win the ball at this point. The server should play to chest as well as the thighs. Serves to the chest and thigh should be thrown. Trapping with the feet should be served by the feet.
After the ball is trapped and under control, play back to the server and repeat.
Different Versions
Following changes can be introduced in the game play: You can allow the defender to apply minimal pressure.
You can even increase defensive pressure on players
Coaching Points
As a coach, you should tell the players how to:
How to Trap with the help of using their Chests
How to Trap with the help of using Thighs
How to Trap with the Inside, Outside, Instep and Sole of the foot